Place du cours dans le programme
· Cours préalables : None
· Cours concomitants : None
· Cours subséquents : None
2. Objectives / Skills
2.1 General Objectives
The goal of this course is to prepare you to read, write, listen and speak with reasonable ease in English in everyday life and in business contexts. Today’s real world will require you to listen to and read complex material, to write coherently, and to speak on a variety of social and cultural topics in English. This course will help you to be more competent as well as more confident when using all four skills in English.
2.2 Specific Objectives
By the end of this course, you should be able to do the following:
· Understand the content of a 1500-word text.
· Compose a clear, well organized text of approximately 750 words.
· Present coherent ideas and opinions orally for a duration of five minutes.
· Understand the meaning of a text based on its structure (main and supporting ideas).